Niro J Hayles’ story began as a young reader inspired by those creating enthralling worlds, captivating minds with the flick of a page. Spending her nights reading the likes of Neil Gaiman (American Gods), and Terry Pratchett (Smalls Gods, etc!), Hayle found her imagination grew into a gift. Using her writing skill, she has written over twenty-five novels since.
N.J Hayle spends her free time exploring the depths of the ocean while diving and investigating new worlds in video games. Sharing a love for real sea creatures and mystical beings, most of her inspiration comes naturally from the extraordinary lives she photographs under the sea and her two beloved cats.
“The pandemic made me realise life is short…”-Niro J Hayle, Jan 2020.
Vowing ‘Carpe Diem’ in the early months of the infamous twenty-twenty, the new author has edited and published three books since. Yet, her dream was always to release an ethereal series, which is why she had the idea of the Sinzar Chronicles in her fourth year at medical school – another avenue she explored in life before ultimately accepting her true desire: writing.